
This website was created by me, Josh Lee, as a way to make sure that my friends and family are taken care of. I want to make sure they can still get the daily slop I normally give them while I'm out hiking the Appalachian Trail. In all seriousness though, if you are reading this, you are probably one of the aforementioned friends or family, and I am incredibly thankful for you. You have deeply impacted my life, and I couldn't be out here without the immense support that I've been so lucky to receive. Thank you for being awesome, and I hope you enjoy this little project of mine while I'm gone. In the words of 3/14/2024 AI Josh, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step...and a stack of pancakes." Eat your pancakes. Take your first step. I believe in you.

Travel Log:

This section was written by ChatGPT, and at times edited by me. None of the stories are true. If you'd like to hear what I'm actually up to, please email me at leejoshua045@gmail.com

Daily Image:

These images were created by ChatGPT/Dalle-3 mostly by using the travel log entry as a prompt.

YouTube Recommendations:

I created this list myself. The videos range from short, silly videos to long, educational videos, and everything in between. I tried to make a list of videos that I enjoy.

Music Recommendations:

These songs were all chosen by myself, and are all songs that I enjoy and think others might as well. I tried to choose from a variety of genres, but because it's still me choosing, my favorite genres have more representation than others. I wish I could have included more of the songs I love, but alas, 180 is the limit I have set for myself.


I knew I wanted to include some form of game on this website, so I chose hangman as I thought it wouldn't be too difficult to implement. I used Coding Artist's tutorial and modified the code to fit my needs. I tried to make the words consistent with an Appalachian Trail theme.


If you ever miss a day or want to remember what a specific day held, please enter the date you're looking for into the search bar in mm/dd/yyyy format and if that doesn't work try using m/d/yyyy format.

AT Map
Appalachian Trail Conservancy